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Company ownership transfer

 A transfer of company ownership starts when the owner wishes to dispose of  his company of the following manner:

 1- Transfer in favour of his(her) spouse

2- Transfer in favour of children

3- Transfer in favour if associates

4- Transfer in favour of key employee

5- Transfer following death

While a transfer to the spouse or children is often done free. The  other transfers will most probably be made with money transactions to be determined as to the amount and schedule of payments.

A company ownership transfer should also take into account the following:

1-Impact on employees.

2- Emotional impact.

3- Taxation impact.

4- Monetary impact.

While taxation and monetary impacts will need  a tax expert or accountant and a lawyer, the impact on emotion and on employees will need a totally different approach quite difficult to conceive by the owner of the company.

Transfer of ownership is often a long process and it is much better to start while the owner is in good health since the said owner is the one who knows his company the best.

Our impact could be at all levels  since we work with all parties involved.


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